職位:助教 (Assistant Professor)
- 大学院 生活環境学研究科(博士前期課程)/グローバルファッション専修 Graduate School of Fashion and Living Environment Studies (Master's Program) / Global Fashion Concentration
KU Leuven(ベルギー)大学院地域研究日本学専攻課程にて修士号取得後、KU Leuven日本語教師課程、文化学園大学大学院生活環境学研究科被覆学専攻グローバル・ファッション専修修了。その後、文化学園大学大学院生活環境学研究科被服環境学専攻博士号を取得。2020年度より現職。
Saskia THOELEN is Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Fashion and Living Environment Studies, and is a lecturer at the Global Fashion Concentration MA program. She holds a master degree in Japanese studies from KU Leuven (Belgium) with a minor in Art History, and a second master degree in Global Fashion Concentration from Bunka Gakuen University. Furthermore, she is a certified Japanese language teacher. She completed her PhD in 2020 in Environmental Clothing studies with a specialization in Fashion Culture, thesis title: アール・ヌーヴォー期におけるグローバル化とアート戦略 –着物を通して見る三越の百貨店化プロセス (Globalisation and Strategic Change through Art Promotion during the Art Nouveau Period in Japan – Mitsukoshi’s Departmentisation Process Analysed through its Kimono Fashioning Activities).
She specializes in nineteenth and twentieth century, as well as contemporary kimono design and promotion, and department store development in Japan. Furthermore, she aims to contribute to the development of interdisciplinary art historical research through the adoption of discourse analysis in the field. Following the spirit of the Global Fashion Concentration program, she aims to bridge theory with practice through the study of kimono (katazome and yuzen) design.
She is a close collaborator in the organization of the Transboundary Fashion Seminar series under the direction Prof. Dr. Yoko Takagi.
業績 (主要著作・論文・作品など)
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Research interests
Japanese culture and history, Art Nouveau, kimono design history, department store history, discourse studies
・Society of Japanese Arts