

update 2015.10.07

文化学園大学は、2016年9月からパリにある国立高等装飾美術学校(École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, ENSAD) との間でダブルディグリープログラムを開始します。
ENSADは、フランスで最も権威あるグランゼコールの一つで、デザイン領域では最高峰の教育機関です。1767年にフランス国王ルイ15世によって設立認可され、芸術に関わる産業を支える人材を育成するため、芸術、科学、技術を総合的に教授・研究してきました。パリ・オペラ座の建築家シャルル・ガルニエ、画家のアンリ・マティスが学んだ学校として知られています。現在は、ファッションデザイン、テキスタイル・素材デザイン、インテリア・建築デザイン、空間アート、アニメーション、グラフィックデザイン、プロダクトデザイン、プリントイメージ、写真・映像、舞台美術の10の専攻を有し 、優秀なデザイナー、アーティスト、アートディレクターを輩出しています。企業研修を必修としており、ファッションデザイン科の主な研修先には、LVMH、Kering、リシュモン・グループが含まれています。



入学出願期間 2016年2月2日(火)~ 2月8日(月)
グローバルファッション専修 入学試験要項(PDF)




Beginning September 2016, Bunka Gakuen University will launch a Double Degree Program with the prestigious Parisian school École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (ENSAD)

ENSAD is among the top Parisian Grande Écoles and is known as the ultimate authority on design education in Paris. Since its approval for foundation in 1767 by King Louis XV, the school has aimed to educate individuals for comprehensive art-related industries and continues to research and educate in the areas of art, science and craft. The school is famous for being the alma mater of the architect behind the Paris Opera, Charles Garnier, as well as the painter Henri Matisse. Currently, the school offers ten programs: fashion design, textile and material design, interior and architecture design, installation art, animation, graphic design, product design, print image, photography and film and theatre arts, all of which have produced a large number of famous designers, artists and art directors. Internships are mandatory at ENSAD, and some students find themselves working in the LVMH group, Kering or Richmond Group, to name a few.

The Double Degree Program will be available to graduate students in the Global Fashion Concentration at Bunka Gakuen University who plan to construct a collection as their graduation project, as well as ENSAD’s fourth and fifth year students in Fashion Design and Texture and Textile Design. Up to Two students will be selected from Bunka every May to participate in the program. Bunka students will spend their first half of this two and a half-year program at Bunka in Tokyo and their second half at ENSAD in Paris. They will also participate in the ENSAD graduation fashion show and exhibition. English will be the only language of instruction.

This innovative Double Degree Program provides an opportunity for students who wish to be active in the global fashion industry to study at two schools who are at the top in their respective areas. Students have the chance to challenge themselves in two distinct environments in order to stimulate growth and will have the opportunity to show their graduate work in Paris.

First half of the Program:
Students will study at Bunka for the first half in accordance with Bunka’s curriculum.
For Bunka students; the first three semesters starting from April.
For ENSAD students; the two semesters of their fourth year starting from September.
Bunka’s curriculum includes a project research based on student proposals.

Second half of the Program:
Students who successfully finish the first half of the Program will travel to Paris and produce their collections at ENSAD. To facilitate the creation of the collections during studies in Paris, ENSAD provides students with financial aid for their purchase of materials. Collections are incorporated into a Fashion Show sponsored by ENSAD.

Degree / diploma:
Students who successfully finish the above study and complete the requirements of ENSAD are granted a diploma from ENSAD in June/July of the same year.
Students who successfully finish the above study and complete the requirements of Bunka are granted a Master’s Degree from Bunka in September of the year of final submission of collections.

Students from Bunka participating in the Program pay the tuition and other fees of Bunka only. (Please see the tuition of Graduate School in the website.)

In Tokyo, dormitory rooms are available on a first-come-first-served basis.
In Paris, dormitories are not available. ENSAD will take necessary measures to help students find their lodgings.

Start of the program:
From students who enroll in the 2016 academic year.
Annual number of students from Bunka is up to 2.

Application procedure for this program does not differ from the ordinary procedure of application for the Global Fashion Concentration. (Please see the Guideline for Admission 2016.) Please note that applicants may be asked to submit additional information before being selected due to request from ENSAD.

Press Communique by both schools;

Contact: nyushi@bunka.ac.jp

