
update 2024.09.18




MAYUKO DAIMON studied haute couture techniques in New York and began her career as a costume
designer in 2014. She has designed and sewn numerous costumes for movies, TV dramas, music video and
stage productions. Currently, she is not only a costume designer, but also an art director, video director,
magazine and product designer, and a photographer.
Also, she continues to present her work as an artist. She presents the stories and worldviews of her dresses
in her photographic works. She also presented his first collection in Paris in September 2023.
MAYUKODAIMON, an apparel brand for which she is the artistic director, makes its debut. This will be the
brand’s first exhibition.
She has acquired solid techniques and design skills, and aims to be active not only in Japan but also in the


  • 衣装デザイナー大門真優子によるパリコレクション作品の展示/その後アパレルブランド としてデビューし初商品となるジャケットや他商品を販売します。

    映画・舞台・ドラマ・MVなどで数多くの衣装を手がけるデザイナー大門真優子が、2023 年秋パリにて初のコレクションを発表しました。その後アパレルブランドとして本格的 にデビューし、今回ブランド初となる展示会を開催します。“MAYUKODAIMON”は受注制作+オンライン販売が基本となりますが、この度のイベントでは商品を実際にお手にとっていただける機会になっております。(他購入可能商品あり) また作品展示は、「海とアジア」をテーマとするパリでのコレクションを体感していただけるような世界観のある内容となっておりますので、ぜひお立ち寄りいただけますと幸いです。

    パリでのSS24コレクションのテーマは「MUSE;UM」(女神たちの神殿)。 大門真優子が魅了された“海”と生まれ故郷の“アジア”を発想源に、青い蝶が海と東洋の世界を旅する物語です。このコレクションのためにオリジナルの生地表現を開発し、デザイナー独自のイマジネーションを日本でしか加工できない特殊技術で表現しました。また、デザイナー自身が得意とするオートクチュールの技法を用いながら、アバンギャルドかつ自由な発想のクリエーションが織り成す、カラフルで耽美、そしてミステリアスな世界をお楽しみいただけましたら幸いです。これらの世界観を引き継ぎアパレルブランド化したMAYUKODAIMONは、先進的な技術 を持つogawamineLABとともに本格始動しました。今回の展示会にて受注・試着会を行う「DIAMOND JACKET」については、自身のブランドの強みであるカラーバリエーションの多さや生地の美しさを体感していただくことができます。その他バッグ・小物等の 販売や、写真家鈴木さゆりによるコレクション作品を被写体とした撮り下ろしの写真作品展示など、視覚・体感ともに楽しんでいただくことができるイベントとなっております。

    An exhibition of works by costume designer Mayuko Daimon, which was shown in her first collection in Paris. This is her debut as an apparel brand, and the first product “DIAMOND JACKET” will be released, so does other products.

    Designer Mayuko Daimon, who has worked on numerous costumes for film, theater, drama, and music videos, presented her first collection in Paris in Autumn 2023. The brand has since debuted as an apparel brand and will be holding its first exhibition. MAYUKODAIMON is based on orders and online sales. However, the event will provide an opportunity for visitors to hold the products in their hands. (We also haveother products available for purchase.) The exhibition will feature a display of works that will allow visitors to experience the theme of the Paris Collection: “The Sea and Asia.” We hope you will drop by.

    The theme of the SS24 collection in Paris is “MUSE;UM” (Temple of the Goddesses). Inspired by Mayuko Daimon’s fascination with the sea and her birthplace Asia, the story follows a blue butterfly’s journey through the sea and the oriental world. Original fabric expressions were developed for this collection, and the designer’s imagination was expressed using special techniques that can only be processed in Japan.

    We hope you will enjoy the colorful, aesthetic, and mysterious world of avant-garde and free- thinking creations, which are crafted using haute couture techniques, the designer’s specialty. Mayukodaimon, which has embraced these worldviews and transformed them into an apparel brand, has launched in earnest together with ogawamineLAB, which possesses advanced technology.

    The DIAMOND JACKET, for which orders and try-on sessions will be held at the exhibition, will allow visitors to experience the many color variations and the beauty of the fabrics, which are the strengths of the brand. In addition, bags and accessories will be on sale, and photographer Sayuri Suzuki will exhibit newly shot photographs of the collection’s works.

    Japanese, English, and Chinese-speaking staff are available. Please feel free to contact them for further information. We look forward to welcoming you to our exhibition.

  • 詳細

    ►日時:2024年10月19日(土)~10月22日(火) 11:00 ~ 20:00(初日は13:00~オープン/最終日は19:00まで)
    ►場所:渋谷ヒカリエ 8/COURT
        〒150-8510 東京都渋谷区渋谷 2-21-1 渋谷ヒカリエ8階 アクセス


    国際ファッション文化学科 第18回卒業イベント