高木 陽子
職位:教授 (Professor)
- 大学院 生活環境学研究科(博士前期課程・博士後期課程)/グローバルファッション専修 Graduate School of Fashion and Living Environment Studies (Master's Program・Doctoral Program) / Global Fashion Concentration
Yoko TAKAGI is Professor of Graduate School of Fashion and the Living Environment Studies. She is also program director of the Global Fashion Concentration, MA program taught in English at Bunka Gakuen University, Tokyo.
She completed her Ph.D. in Art Science and Archaeology at the Free University of Brussels (1999) and published her thesis in 2002: Japonisme in Fin de Siècle Art in Belgium (Antwerp: Pandora).
Focusing on trans boundary aspects of fashion and textile from the end of the nineteenth century to present day, she has contributed to publications and has curated several exhibitions, including “Katagami: Les pochoirs japonais et le japonisme” (Maison culturelle du Japon à Paris in 2006-7), “6+ Antwerp Fashion” (Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery in 2009), “Feel and Think: A New Era of Tokyo Fashion” (Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery and Kobe Fashion Museum in 2011-2012 and National Art School Gallery, Sydney in 2013) and “Katagami Style” (Mitsubishi Ichigokan Museum, The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto and Mie Prefectural Art Museum in 2012).
She is the organizer of the Transboundary Fashion Seminar series (JSPS KAKENHI Grant 17K02382).
Research Interests
・Interdisciplinary approaches to contemporary global issues from the perspective of Fashion Studies
・Design education
・Fashion and textile exhibition curation
Can supervise PhD, MA: Yes
Dr. Takagi’s students at Masters level have graduated from studies of Fashion and Textile Design at universities including Parsons, London College of Fashion, Ryerson, RMIT, Raffles, London Fashion College, Bunka Gakuen; as well as Art Science, Anthropology, Japanology at universities including Edinburgh, KU Leuven, and Waseda. The Double Degree Program with École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs in Paris is available to her students.
Continuing Bunka Gakuen’s tradition of fashion education, she strives to bridge theory and practice within a global context, with a focus on fashion related art and design. Her students have had the opportunity to do internships at high profile Japanese brands Yohji Yamamoto, ANREALAGE and AKIKOAOKI, as well as The National Art Center Tokyo. In 2017-2018, she organized the collaborative project VIEW.S with Zara and students, a collection with Zara x Bunka label which was diffused at global scale.
In her PhD Program, she aims to discipline global level researchers/educators on Fashion Studies and Fashion Design from a non-Western region, Japan. She is certified to supervise dissertations both in English and in Japanese. Her recent PhD student, Dr. Daphne Mohajer va Pesaran defended her thesis“Making and Growing Washi Paper Clothes: A Framework for Interspecies Fashion Design in the Anthropocene”in February 2018 was appointed as full-time lecturer at RMIT University in September 2018.
博士課程学生 Doctoral student
“Globalization, Agency and Art Nouveau: a Comparative Study on the Development of Japanese Department Stores and the Promotion of Decorative Arts and Textile Trends (1880-1930). グローバル化、エージェンシーとアール・ヌーヴォー:百貨店の発展、装飾芸術と染織トレンドの国際比較研究 (1880-1930).”
修士課程 MA students
Themes researched by current MA2 students
・The Japanese Dandy: the Wearing Art of the Samurai Male Body
・The Role of Wearable Items in Female Empowerment
・Craft Consuming Re-designed
・Fashion Photography and the Absent Body
・Doing Gender in Japan: Representing Japanese Transgender in Media
・Visual Craftsmanship: Crafting Practice in Massively Multi-Player Roll Playing Video Games
業績 (主要著作・論文・作品など)
専門は、芸術学。19世紀末から今日までのファションとテキスタイルの越境に関する諸問題に興味をもち、執筆と展覧会キュレーションを行ってきた。著書にJaponisme in Fin de Siècle Art in Belgium (Antwerp: Pandora、2002年)、共著書に『ジャポニスム入門』(思文閣出版、2000)等。展覧会企画に、「6+アントワープ・ファッション展」東京オペラシティ(2009)、「感じる服考える服:東京ファッションの現在形展」東京オペラシティアートギャラリー、神戸ファッション美術館(2011-12) シドニー国立美術大学ギャラリー(2013)、「Les pochoirs Japonais et le Japonisme(染め型紙とジャポニスム)展」パリ日本文化会館(2006-07)、「Katagami Style展」三菱一号館美術館、京都国立近代美術館、三重県立美術館(2012)。 Transboundary Fashion Seminarシリーズ(科学研究費17K02382)主宰。
文化学園の制作の伝統を生かし、理論と実践を両立できる人材の育成を目指している。社会との連携を重視し、国立新美術館、ヨウジヤマモト、アンリアレイジ、アキコアオキなどでのインターンシップをおこなっている。2017-2018年度には、学生のデザインをZaraが制作するコラボレーションプロジェクト「VIEW.S」を企画、コレクションZara × Bunkaは世界規模で販売された。
博士課程(英語・日本語論文とも指導可)では、非西洋地域にある日本から、グローバルレベルでファッション学およびファッションデザインを教授できる研究者の育成を目指している。2017年度博士修了生Daphne Mohajer va Pesaran (「Making and Growing Washi Paper Clothes: A Framework for Interspecies Fashion Design in the Anthropocene」)は、2018年9月ロイヤルメルボルン工科大学(RMIT大学)専任講師に就任した。